
Massage Therapy

Royal THAI mix

 You will be pulled stretched and rocked at your Thai mix massage therapist they will use every part of their body and including Thai mix pain relief, chest move, foot Walk and shoulder out. Some masseuses might even walk on you ..

Bamboo tag massage

 It is use to give deep ,firm, massage. The cane is held by therapist and rolled over the muscles is then kneaded which assist in the release of tension and easing a knots.

THAI massage

Thai massage issues gentle pressure and stretching techniques to relax The whole body. this is an ancient healing practice that originated in which a person passively lies on bed. the client lies on the floor and participate more actively in Massage

Deep roll massage

It will work out the knots from stress, overwork, muscles, and connective tissue to alternative immediate pain, as well as chronic joint and muscle pain, it also promotes faster healing by increasing blood flow reducing inflammation.

Bali massage

Bali massage its techniques are performed very slow and very deep (to clear energy blockages) with essential oil. Also Bali will always massage the stomach as this is beneficial for colon and reproductive system…

Infinity massage

Infinity massage is designed to relax initiative body by rubbing the muscles in long gliding stroke in the direction of blood returning to the heart…but the benefits of infinity massage go beyond relaxation. It can help increase the level of oxygen in the blood and flexibility

Medical massage

It can lead to healing mint which is outcome based massage. Primevally the application of a specific treatment targeted to the specific problem..

Asian healing massage

It is well-known as healing mint as well as it is a type of body work that follows traditional Asian medicine’s principles which translates to touch based-therapy with very specific purposes which are relaxing, soothing and healing a body through a release of tension and free flowing energy.

Foot reflexology

It is also known of zone therapy is an alternative medical involving the application of pressure to specific points on the feet and hands. It is done using specific thumb , finger, and hand massage techniques without the use of oil or lotion.

Asian head massage

Head massage is a deep style massage that focuses on the head, neck, and shoulders, a head massage applies a range of techniques to help reduce stress and release tension in the upper body, the scalp can help stimulate nerves and blood vessels.


Spa Packages 

Moroccan Royal Treatment Only 950 LE


  • Royal THAI-Mix Massage
  • Steam Bath
  • Moroccan Bath

Pedicure professional only start from 700 LE


Body treatment 

Body scrub


Scrubbing gives you clean skin, free from dirt, oil, sweat, actually the bottles of cleansing milky scrub, chocolate, cucumber, strawberry, and coconut milk scrub ,Body scrub An exfoliating cosmetic preparation applied to the body treatment on which the skin cleaned and exfoliated.

Pick-up couple massage 

Pedicure professional care and treatment of the feet as a removal of corns and trimming of toe nails, a single treatment of the feet.

Moroccan bath

Moroccan bath…its comprises an exfoliating techniques that helps removing dead skin cells,and make your skin feeling lighters…when you opt for a moroccan bath that comprises moroccan mud, it will help improving your skin texture and quality make your skin smother.

Steam Bath

Steam a bath of steam, usually in a specially equipped room of enclosure, for cleansing or refreshing your self. Also, having a steam is good for your circulation and reduce stressed..

Spa Packages


Royal  Treatment Only 950 LE

  • Royal THAI-Mix Massage
  • Steam Bath
  • Moroccan Bath 

Pick-up Couple Massage only start from 700 L.E

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